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  • Calendars | The Westgate School

    School Calendars Contact | Teaching & Opening Times ​ Westgate School - Open Events ​ School holiday dates | Hampshire County Council ( ​ School Calendar ​ Please check the above school calendar link regularly as dates may change over the year Term Dates / Inset Days - Academic Year 2023 ~ 24 ​ AUTUMN TERM - 01/09/23 ~ 15/12/23 Inset Day - 01/09/23 Half-Term - 23/10/23 ~ 27/10/23 Inset Day - 24/11/23 Inset Day - 27/11/23 ​ SPRING TERM - 02/01/24 ~ 28/03/24 Half-Term - 12/02/24 ~16/02/24 Inset Day - 28/03/24 SUMMER TERM - 15/04/24 ~ 23/07/24 Half-Term - 27/05/24 ~ 31/05/24 Inset day - 21/06/24 ​ Inset Days - Academic Year 2024 ~ 25 Monday 2nd September 2024 Friday 29th November 2024 Monday 2nd December 2024 Friday 4th April 2025 Friday 20th June 2025

  • Results | Exam Information | The Westgate School

    School Results | Secondary Phase Exam Information 43% of all our grades were Grade 7 or above. 91.3% of pupils achieved Grade 4 or above in English and Mathematics. 25% of all grades were Grade 8 or 9. ​ ​ GCSE Results 2023 ​ 43% of all our grades were Grade 7 or above; 91.3% of pupils achieved Grade 4 or above in English and Mathematics, ​ 25% of all grades were Grade 8 or 9 ​ ​ GCSE Results 2023 ​ 43% of all our grades were Grade 7 or above; 91.3% of pupils achieved Grade 4 or above in English and Mathematics, ​ 25% of all grades were Grade 8 or 9 ​ ​ GCSE Results 2023 ​ 43% of all our grades were Grade 7 or above; 91.3% of pupils achieved Grade 4 or above in English and Mathematics, ​ 25% of all grades were Grade 8 or 9 ​ ​ GCSE Results 2023 Secondary Phase Exam Info Exam information Performance Tables ​ Compare the performance of our school against all schools within England ​ ​ ​ ​ We are absolutely delighted that academic excellence has once again shone through as a result of colleagues’ dedication in delivering excellent teaching and learning alongside pupils’ hard work and strong parent partnership with our school, resulting in our pupils once again achieving exceptional outcomes - even stronger than the pre-pandemic results of 2019. 43% of all our grades were Grade 7 or above; 25% of grades were Grade 8 or 9, and 10% of all grades were Grade 9. 91.3% of pupils achieved Grade 4 or above in English and Mathematics, of which 80% achieved Grade 5 or above This is a simply stunning achievement by our pupils of which we're very proud. ​ 2023 GCSE Exam results document The Westgate School prides itself on being a "happy and vibrant community in which pupils are encouraged to aim for excellence ", receiving high commendation in its recent Ofsted inspection (September 2022). ​ Primary Phase ​ ​KS2 SATs explanation Primary Phase statutory results 2023 Primary Phase statutory results 2022 ​

  • Open Events | The Westgate School

    Open Events 18/09/2024 - Secondary School Open Morning (9.00-11.00) 19/09/2024 - Secondary School Open Evening (17.00-19.00) Join us for an unforgettable journey of discovery! Experience our vibrant community, explore our facilities, and meet our passionate educators at our Open Morning. Don't miss out—mark your calendars now! The best way to experience our school is to see it in action. ​ "Learning Together - Achieving Excellence" ​ "The Westgate School is a happy and vibrant community, where pupils are encouraged to aim for excellence" (Ofsted, September 2022 ) ​ Find out about parking for our school Open Events ​ Train To Teach Events: The Winchester Teaching Alliance provides high quality teacher training through a partnership of good and outstanding primary and secondary schools in the Winchester area Train to teach open mornings: 22 Feb 24 (9am-12.40pm) ​ For booking info see The Winchester Tea ching Alliance ​ Primary Phase Open Event Dates: Open mornings - Tues 15/10/24 & Thurs 14/11/24 ​ Secondary Phase Open Event Dates: Open mornings - Wed 18/9/24 | Wed 2/10/24 | Wed 25/6/25 Open Evenings - Thurs 19/9/24

  • Relationships & Sex Education | The Westgate School

    Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) What is Relationships and Sex Education? Effective sex and relationship education is essential if young people are to make responsible and well-informed decisions about their lives. The new Personal Development (Sept 2020) framework will help pupils develop the skills and understanding the need to live confident, healthy and independent lives. “It is lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. It is about understanding the importance of marriage for family life, stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care. It is also about the teaching of sex, sexuality and sexual health. It is not about the promotion of sexual orientation or sexual activity – this would be inappropriate teaching.” [Sex and Relationships Education Guidance ref DCFS 0116/2000] Principles: Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) within our school aims to provide opportunities for pupils to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and become active and informed citizens. In addition, we aim to support young people through their physical, emotional and moral development. Information will be delivered in an accepting and honest way, which enables young people to contribute, and as deemed age appropriate. Parents and carers will be fully informed of policy and practice. The school recognises the “role of parents in the development of their children’s understanding about relationships is vital. Parents are the first teachers of their children. They have the most significant influence in enabling their children to grow and mature and to form healthy relationships” (DfE, 2019, ‘Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education’). RSHE will focus on: Attitudes and Values • Learning about the values of family life and stable relationships. • Learning the value of respect, love and care. • Exploring, considering and understanding moral dilemmas. • Developing critical thinking as part of decision making. • Personal and Social Skills. • Learning to manage emotions and relationships confidently and sensitively. • Developing self-respect and empathy for others. • Learning to make choices based on understanding of differences and with the absence of prejudice. • Providing opportunities for young people to develop the ability to understand the consequences of their decisions and actions, and to manage conflict. • Knowledge and understanding. • Information about healthier, safer lifestyles. • Physical development. • Emotions, relationships and reproduction. • Information about digital safety and responsibilities. Linked Policies You will find the following on our policies page here: Religious and Sexual Education Policy Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Policy Wellbeing Policy The Westgate School overview of RSHE (including sex education) Curriculum known as Personal Development. “Working in partnership with parents/carers and the wider community to enable pupils to feel safe, included, happy and prepared for life beyond school” YR Autumn School values/emotions/manners Topic / Theme YR Summer Self-regulation/relationships/body parts Topic / Theme Y1 Spring Health & well-being – body parts & appropriate touching / Relationships including families – importance of families & emotions Topic / Theme Y2 Autumn Relationships – knowing who to trust/body parts (some are private)/relaxation/Health & wellbeing- sleep/medicine safety Topic / Theme Y2 Summer Living in the wider world – environment -reduce, reuse, recycle Living in the wider world – rights and responsibilities – money & saving Topic / Theme Y3 Spring Health & well-being – mental well-being, human life cycle / Relationships including families - different families, including blended & same sex, respect Topic / Theme Y4 Autumn Relationships – feelings/manners/Health & wellbeing - medicine safety & self-care techniques Topic / Theme Y4 Summer Living in the wider world – environment – topical waste issues Living in the wider world – rights and responsibilities – united nations rights of a child Topic / Theme Y5 Spring Health & well-being – growing up/periods / Relationships including families – valuing diversity & challenging stereotyping Topic / Theme Y6 Autumn Relationships – on-line safety & how to be a good friend/Health & wellbeing - importance of sleep and effect of medicines & drugs on health (smoking, alcohol) Topic / Theme Y6 Summer Living in the wider world – environment – topical environmental issues/jobs/careers Living in the wider world – rights and responsibilities – money/transition to Secondary school Topic / Theme Y7 Spring Emotional Health & Wellbeing - Emotional Awareness, how do we deal with all that is around us. Managing Feelings, eating for health. What is mindfulness, Looking after our physical health. Careers - Be aspirational, next steps in school and post 16 Education, discrimination in the workplace, jobs for the future. Biological Sex- Science lessons Topic / Theme Y8 Autumn My life – Puberty, friendships, Bullying, Age of consent, Feelings- emotional literacy. Rights Respect and Responsibility - RRR- The UNCRC, Rights of children, wants and needs, active campaigning, Children’s rights in the UK. Diversity of Britain - Identity, Diversity, Multi culturalism, Prejudice, Radicalisation, British values. Law & Justice - Law, the court system, criminal responsibility. Healthy relationships - Heteronorms, having an equal say, gender stereotypes, Consent online sexual abuse. E Safety and how can stay safe online. How to report Indecent images- legal consideration, Cyber bullying- legal consideration, Online shopping, Crowd funding Topic / Theme Y8 Summer Relationship Sex and Health Education - Introducing issues to pupils around sex and relationships and allowing them to discuss and talk about this in a calm and sensitive environment. Intimate relationships, peer pressure, What is consent? , Why have sex ?, different types of contraception, sexting. Topic / Theme Y9 Spring Emotional Health and Wellbeing - Pupils look at healthy bodies and minds, they will also consider body image and how this is portrayed in the media. Ideals of body image, the media and body image, eating disorders, healthy lifestyles, resilience, self-harm, online regulation-gaming. Careers - Pupils will look at careers and discuss the future alongside creating their own START profile. Be aspirational, next steps in school and post 16 Education, discrimination in the workplace, jobs for the future. Topic / Theme Y10 Autumn Healthy Relationships - Pupils will consider what is a healthy relationship, consent and what constitutes sexual harassment to include online sexual harassment. Emotional Health and Wellbeing - Pupils look at healthy bodies and minds, they discuss why wellbeing and mindfulness is so important and they think about these issues in tutor groups. Topic / Theme Y10 Summer Relationships, Sex and Health Education - Pupils look at issues of consent, they discuss sex and peer pressure and different types of relationships including marriage and cohabitation. Legal rights within a marriage and other relationships. Equality, Domestic Violence and abuse, legal rights within a marriage, Legal rights across all types of relationships. RSHE- Core Sex education which covers, sex and contraception, parenthood, STI’s, HIV, Consent, Abortion, Harassment, cancer. E Safety - Pupils look at different aspects of E Safety and think about how they should behave online. How to report, harassment and stalking on-line, managing risks on-line, comparison of people on-line, positive viral content. Philosophy & Ethics - Topic / Theme Y11 Spring Drugs Education - To learn about the impact of substance use on risk-taking and personal safety, to learn how to manage influences in relation to alcohol and other drug use, to learn about the potential consequences of drug production, sale and use, and the support available for individuals regarding substance use, including addiction and dependency. Assessing risk. Substance use and managing influence. Help seeking and sources of support Careers - Pupils will look at careers and discuss the future alongside updating their own START profile. Be aspirational, Next steps in school and post 16 education, Discrimination in the work place, jobs for the future, internet as a revision aid Topic / Theme YR Spring Emotions/self-awareness/friendships Topic / Theme Y1 Autumn Relationships – recognising & naming emotions/Health & wellbeing - oral hygiene Topic / Theme Y1 Summer Living in the wider world – environment – caring for our environment Living in the wider world – rights and responsibilities – diversity & equality Topic / Theme Y2 Spring Health & well-being – loss, on-line relationships/Relationships including families – different types of families Topic / Theme Y3 Autumn Relationships – healthy relationships & friendships/Health & well-being - healthy, balanced diet and importance active lifestyle Topic / Theme Y3 Summer Living in the wider world – environment – environmental groups caring for our environment Living in the wider world – rights and responsibilities – all about rules Topic / Theme Y4 Spring Health & well-being - body parts and how they change/ Relationships including families – how families change over time Topic / Theme Y5 Autumn Relationships – bullying/online safety/Health & wellbeing - importance of exercise & healthy balanced diet Topic / Theme Y5 Summer Living in the wider world – environment – climate change Living in the wider world – rights and responsibilities – government and rule of law Topic / Theme Y6 Spring Health & well-being – sex – how babies are conceived & in a committed relationship / Relationships including families – marriage & civil relationships/ boundaries & consent Topic / Theme Y7 Autumn An introduction to PD and exploring issues that face pupils today for example Friendships, Bullying, different family units, puberty, Emotional literacy and the age of consent. The Science of Learning and how we learn. Healthy relationships - Heteronorms, having an equal say, gender stereotypes, Consent online sexual abuse E-Safety - How to report Indecent images, Cyber bullying, Online gaming rules, Accepting T & Cs Topic / Theme Y7 Summer Drugs - understanding Drugs, Nicotine – risks and influences, Alcohol and risk Relationships and Sex - Introducing issues to pupils around sex and relationships and allowing them to discuss and talk about this in a calm and sensitive environment. Reflecting on relationships and families and different types of families." Topic / Theme Y8 Spring Emotional Health & Well-being - Body Image, the impact of social media on body image, bullying and peer pressure, how we can develop self-esteem, healthy approaches to exercise, how we can be mindful, being mindful. Careers Drugs Education - Understanding Drugs, nicotine – risks and influences, alcohol and risk Topic / Theme Y9 Autumn Healthy Relationships - Pupils will consider what is a healthy relationship, consent and what constitutes sexual harassment to include online sexual harassment. Creating a safe space, Heteronorms, having an equal say, gender stereotypes, Consent online sexual abuse E Safety - Pupils look at different aspects of E Safety and think about how they should behave and stay safe online. Topic / Theme Y9 Summer Drugs Education - To learn about drugs and young people’s attitudes and behaviours regarding drug use. To consider the potential legal consequences of using illegal drugs. To learn about the short- and long- term effects of alcohol and cannabis use on individuals and to learn how to manage peer and other influences in relation to substance misuse. Relationships and sex education - Pupils look at different types of relationships including marriage and cohabitation, equality, and the legal rights around marriage. Topic / Theme Y10 Spring Drugs Education -To learn about the impact of substance use on risk-taking and personal safety, to learn how to manage influences in relation to alcohol and other drug use, to learn about the potential consequences of drug production, sale and use, and the support available for individuals regarding substance use, including addiction and dependency. Exploring attitudes, drugs the law and managing risks, drugs the effects: alcohol and cannabis, Managing influence. Careers Topic / Theme Y11 Autumn Healthy Relationships - Pupils will consider what is a healthy relationship, consent and what constitutes sexual harassment to include online sexual harassment. Discussion of proactive strategies and responses to inappropriate sexual language in school. Rape and consent. Identifying stereotypes and pressure to conform. Emotional Health and Wellbeing - Pupils look at healthy bodies and minds, they discuss why wellbeing and mindfulness is so important and they think about these issues in tutor groups. Preparing for exams, stress and how to manage it. Biological Sex - science lessons. Topic / Theme

  • Secondary Exam Information & Timetable | westgate-home

    Secondary Phase Exam Information & Timetable Results & Exams Examinations at The Westgate School ​ The school uses a wide range of assessment techniques to monitor pupil progress and help ensure all children continue to move forwards with their learning. In addition to classroom-based assessment and tests, at key times throughout their secondary school journey pupils will take more formal mock examinations - these are a vital way of preparing pupils for what they will experience in their real GCSEs. They help children develop their revision skills; their time management; their emotional resilience within exam conditions; as well as their exam technique - and they provide teachers will invaluable information which we use to inform our curriculum planning in the months leading up to the GCSE exams. ​ Pupils will sit formal mock examinations in: ​ The summer term of Year 10 (after the Year 11 GCSEs are finished) The autumn term of Year 11 (a few weeks before the Christmas holidays) February of Year 11 for English, Maths and Science only ​ Exact timetables will be published to pupils in the build-up to each exam series and can be found below. Tutors and colleagues within school will work with pupils to reassure, support and prepare them for these mock examinations, and parents will be provided with information in our Partners in Learning events throughout the year. ​ Attendance at exams Attendance is vital in this last year. Every day missed has an effect and poor attendance clearly affects results. Even more important is ensuring that pupils attend all examinations and arrive in good time to ensure that they are mentally prepared to walk into their exams and achieve their best. We work closely with our Attendance Manager, and penalty issues may be issued, should attendance be poor.​ Revision ​It is vital that you help and support your child plan and structure revision time, ensuring the build-up to both Mock exams and the real GCSEs is used effectively.​ Work and wellbeing ​Year 11 can be a stressful year as pupils prepare for their examinations. We follow a programme in Tutor time which tries to anticipate possible issues in terms of stress. Possible helpful site: - exam-stress Preparing to sit your exams Download ​The Westgate School's Centre Policy Download Information for Candidates - Non-examination assessments Download Information for Candidates - Written Examinations Download Year 10 Mocks Timetable 2024 Download GCSE 8 Top Tips for Exams Download Privacy Notice Information Download Unauthorised Items in an Examination Information Download GCSE Summer timetable 2024 Download Exam Information for Candidates - Coursework Assessments Download Information for Candidates - Using Social Media Download Warning to Candidates Information Download ​ ​

  • Privacy Page | The Westgate School

    Privacy We may collect Non-personal and Personal Information for the following purposes: To create aggregated statistical data and other aggregated and/or inferred Non-personal Information, which we may use to provide and improve our respective services. More Information can be found on our Policy page and on ou r Statutory Information page .

  • Home & Remote Learning | The Westgate School

    Welcome to the Home and Remote learning page. Here you will find information to access resources and learn from home. To access your Pupil email, Microsoft Teams and other Office 365 resources select the 'Pupil Login' button. If you are having trouble logging on to the service please select the 'Submit IT Login Query' button. ​ Pupil Login Login Guide How to Access Office 365 Apps GCSE Info Menu Our useful GCSE information menu including revision guides and external resources View More Pupil Support View More Career Companion Independent and impartial gateway to careers information on the internet View More Kerboodle Digital online learning View More Digital Library ​ View More E.Chalk innovative collection of hands-on activities, games, animations, simulations and quizzes created with a strong focus on learning through fun View More Proquest Historical catalogue of The Guardian and The Observer online. Click on 'Start my Research', then 'General/Secondary Education' View More Secondary Library Resource provides a unique range of search options designed to suit the needs of students at all academic levels. View More Purple Mash View More Primary Phase Library Catalogue View More

  • our-curriculum | westgate-home

    Our Curriculum - an overview Curriculum In-depth Primary Curriculum Learn More Year 7 and 8 our KS3 Curriculum Learn More Year 9 Greater Depth & Increased Breadth Learn More Year 10 and 11 - GCSE Courses Learn More Curriculum Intent The Westgate School’s curriculum reflects two principles: firstly, acquisition – where pupils are taught to acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills in each subject domain in order to apply this learning to new situations; and secondly, participation – that pupils need to develop the skills to engage positively in different situations. In doing so, pupils further their learning and sense of belonging. In some subjects, such as Science, the emphasis lies more heavily on the acquisition of knowledge whereas in a subject such as Drama, the skills of participation pre-dominate. In every lesson we expect adults to consider how best to facilitate pupils’ active participation in their learning – including “thinking hard” – and, to use the School’s core approach to teaching and learning so that pupils experience a coherent learning journey. ​ In every subject, leaders are designing and evolving their curriculums based on the golden threads of learning from Year R to Year 11 in their particular domain. Planning is based on clear objectives, using misconceptions as opportunities for rich learning and, facilitating greater depth in pupils’ knowledge rather than greater curriculum coverage. The specified curriculum is based on the National Curriculum and KS4 syllabi however, the School believes strongly in ensuring that the ‘hidden curriculum’ – how pupils learn about themselves and society in the way that we organise ourselves as a school – has a positive impact on the individual child. We strongly believe that access to cultural capital is an entitlement of every pupil, and we are regularly reviewing our curriculum to increase opportunities to access learning about different cultures and diversity. We also have a specified ‘Wellbeing Curriculum’, which sets out the universal provision for all pupils, and we are developing our practice to facilitate even greater inclusion in extra-curricular provision in school. Moreover, as part of our ongoing learning, we involve pupils proactively in curriculum development through our received curriculum reviews and, our pupil leadership groups. ​ ​ At The Westgate School our curriculum is not intended to lead learners to fulfil their potential: our intention is to unlock the individual’s potential and to equip them with the knowledge and skills to be able to learn in different situations throughout their lives. ​ Our teaching is inclusive using a whole class approach. Teachers use fluid, peel away groups: “Master Classes” for support and extension as needed. ​ A Community of Learning... ​ Being a high achieving, successful learning community only happens as a result of genuine collaboration. Every young person is unique and so we seek to provide a range of different learning opportunities in which every individual can excel. The Early Years Foundation Stage is framed around the characteristics of effective learning: Playing | Exploring active learning | Creating | Thinking critically These provide a foundation for learning upon which our curriculum in the Lower and Upper Schools are built. Our central purpose is for children to develop into young people who are happy and effective learners . We achieve this by being a community of learning where adults and pupils alike are committed to this central aim and work in strong partnership with parents to inspire success for all. Adults working with children and young people in our school community use a process of observation, assessment and planning to identify the learning and developmental needs of each child. Alongside knowledge of children’s interests, we plan opportunities for learning that are stimulating and engaging, leading to strong progress right from the Early Years Foundation Stage through to Year 11. In addition to the specified curriculum, pupils in The Westgate will have the opportunity to experience a wide range of activities that enhance and enrich the curriculum. The all-through setting provides a unique opportunity for young people to learn from their peers and through the teaching of younger pupils. This powerful model for learning is one that permeates our culture and further enriches the community of learning. ​ ...Achieving Excellence. ​ Based on the principles of a growth mindset , the practice of teaching and learning at The Westgate encourages children and young people to be led by their curiosity and to be prepared to use mistakes as the best opportunities for learning. This begins in the Early Years Foundation Stage where pupils are encouraged to make decisions about how to do things, to explain their thinking and to be resilient in their efforts. This theme continues through our practice in the Lower and Upper Schools where teaching colleagues will encourage pupils to verbalise their decision making process , explaining how they reached a particular conclusion or why they chose a specific method for doing something in order that they gain even better control over their learning and can apply skills to new situations. A golden thread throughout learning in all subjects and stages at The Westgate is the development of Literacy and Mathematical skills which are a foundation for learning in all disciplines and lead to strong outcomes at examination level and for post-16 learning. At The Westgate, we believe that through our exemplary partnerships with parents and young people, we can inspire a love of learning - something that is intrinsically linked to the development of individual self-esteem and motivation. In our school, there is no separation between our commitment to academic success and the wellbeing of the children and young people in our community. ​ Compliance with regulatory acts Our curriculum complies within the duties of the the statutory Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice (2015) and the following legislation: Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014, which sets out schools’ responsibilities for pupils with SEN and disabilities and The Equality Act 2010, with particular reference to Part 6 “Education” ​ We strive for High Quality Inclusive Teaching within our classes and for all pupils to access a broad and balanced curriculum. When deciding whether special educational provision is required, we will start with the desired outcomes, including a variety of assessments of the pupil’s progress and attainment, the views and wishes of the pupil and their parents and information from other agencies. ​ Please refer to our SEN Information report for further details ​

  • Statutory | SEND | Key Information | The Westgate School

    Statutory Information | SEND | Results | Data Protection Welcome to our Statutory and Key Information Menu Page. Here you will find our OFSTED reports, admissions policy details, information regarding special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), SENDCO details, SEND information report, Local Offer, data protection, financial information, links to our admissions, policy and pupil premium, catch up statement and sports premium pages, safeguarding page, along with other statutory and key information. Special Educational Needs Statutory Information ​ Governor details To find out about our Governors and the governing structure please click on the link above. ​ Re sults to see our recent results please click on the link above ​ Admissi ons policy All schools have admission criteria to decide which children get places. Admission criteria is different for each school. At The Westgate School we work within the Hampshire County Council framework. View our admissions policy on our policy page View our admissions page To view our admissions policy and process please click on the link above. ​ Further statutory information can be found on the following pages: ​ View our statutory policies on our policies page View our Pupil Premium, Catch-Up Statement & PE Sports Premium documents page View our Safeguarding page ​ Designated Leader For Mental Health The designated Leader for Mental Health at The Westgate School is Mrs L. Williams, who has participated in training led by the Anna Freud Centre. The role involves leading a whole-school approach to mental health and well-being. This includes assisting colleagues to support children’s emotional well-being and signposting parents/carers to appropriate agencies. Additionally, prioritising and promoting colleagues' well-being to develop a positive culture of mental health and well-being. ​​ SEN Information Report Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information This section is currently undergoing updates ​ Mrs A. Villien (SENDCO All-Through) and Mrs. C. Lunniss ( SENDCO Primary lead) To contact the SEN team use the email contact: ​ ​SEN Information Report Access the Hampshire Local Offer ​ The teacher responsible for previously looked after children and looked after children is Mrs E. Pillinger. SEN Report Data Protection Data Protection Data Protection Our aims are to ensure that all personal data collected about colleagues, pupils, parents, governors, visitors and other individuals is, stored and processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018 and the expected provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) as set out in the Data Protection Bill. Our school processes personal data relating to parents, pupils, staff, governors, visitors and others, and therefore is a data controller. The school is registered with the ICO (Registration reference: ZA336960). ​ ​ Our Data Protection Officer is the Senior Site and Facilities Strategic Lead, and is the first point contact for individuals whose data the school processes and is contactable via ​ Privacy notices:​ Parents and Carers - Privacy Notice Colleague - Privacy Notice Pupils - Privacy Notice ​ Data protection policies (on our policy page): ​​ CCTV Safe Use of ICT for Staff Freedom of Information GDPR / Data Protection ​ Financial Information Our school has 1 emp loyee with a wage in excess of £100,000. A link to the government website showing our school's financial benchmarking can be accessed by clicking here. ​ Request a paper copy If as a parent you are unable to access information on our website, please either come into the school or use to request a paper copy. ​

  • Our Pupils | School Houses | The Westgate School

    Our Pupils | School Houses Our Pupils Pupils have the opportunity to take part a full and varied extra-curricular calendar including Deep Learning Days, curriculum visits and field work. All pupils are invited to be part of activities and field work that enriches our curriculum. Where an activity requires pupils to go off-site or stay beyond the school day, we will ask that you complete a consent form before your son/daughter can participate. Some activities are optional and require payment which is organised through the school’s office. In advance of any event, you will receive a letter requesting permission as well as payment if required. It is vital that your son/daughter’s medical form is kept up-to-date and that you do inform the school office if any of your contact details change. ​ School Houses All pupils and teachers are members of our House System. Pupils have the opportunity to take part in a range of events, working with older and younger pupils, competing for House Points and celebrating team spirit. Events include Sports Days, music competitions and drama events amongst other bespoke events. At the end of each term we celebrate pupils’ involvement and contribution to our school community through their participation as a member of a House in a whole school assembly full of music, celebration and fun. In addition to the extra-curricular opportunities, your son/daughter will also be linked to a House Leader who works closely with the Year Leader and Tutors to support him/her during their journey at our school. ​ ​ This system allows The Westgate School's sense of community to blossom by creating more opportunities for pupils to work together and help each other. That might be in competitions but also in peer support groups, fostering relationships between all our pupils and enabling them to work with a wide range of people across all the year groups. There will be scope for activities, clubs and competitions in all subjects - hopefully there will be something to excite and engage every single pupil! EARTH "To The Ends Of The Earth!" View More House Points Air "The Sky Is Our Limit!" View More Fire "Burning Desire to Succeed!" View More Water " Together, Our Drops Make an Ocean " View More

  • Governors| westgate-home

    Governors Board of Governors The Westgate’s board of governors consists of fifteen members drawn from the school’s parents, colleagues and local community. The board has three core functions: ​ Ensures clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction Holds the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff Oversees the financial performance of the school and makes sure its money is well spent. ​ Governors at The Westgate are all members of either: The Curriculum Committee, which monitors educational progress at all stages from nursery to KS4, learning environment and pastoral support system, or the Resources Committee , which is concerned with finance, staffing matters and facilities. Safeguarding is a constant priority and appears on every committee and Full Governing Body meeting agenda. As well as committee work, governors may have additional monitoring responsibility for aspects such as health and safety, SEN or safeguarding. Finally, governors are also linked with different aspects of strategic school functions and undertake regular monitoring visits. ​ Chair and Vice Chair of Board of Governors and Committee Chairs ​ Penelope Catchpole - Chair Responsibilities - Link Governor for SEN inc LAC, Primary Phase & Nursery link governor ​ Penny has been a governor at The Westgate since 2010, initially as a parent Governor and currently as a co-opted Governor. Her three children all attended The Westgate and all have now graduated from university. ​ Penny has lived all over the UK and settled in Winchester in 2001. She ran her own legal practice for 10 years and then spent nearly 6 years working in Children's Services at Hampshire County Council. Penny is a member of the Curriculum committee having been a past Chair. ​ Christopher Sermon - Vice chair ​ Responsibilities - Resources Chair, SFVS/FMSIS Auditing Chris has been a governor at The Westgate School since 2014, initially as a parent Governor and currently as a co-opted Governor; having previously served for eight years as parent governor at Western Primary School. He became Chair of the Resources Committee in 2018, and vice-Chair of Governors in 2021. ​ Now retired, Chris is a Chartered Accountant specialising in financial regulation and customer protection. Born and brought up in Winchester, Chris trained initially in London (including a year at the Bank of England) moved to Hungary for five years, then worked throughout Central and Eastern Europe before settling down back in Winchester. ​ He has two children, both of whom have now left The Westgate and are currently studying at university. ​ ​ Paul Key - Chair of the Curriculum Committee Paul is a co-opted Governor. He is Chair of the Curriculum Committee and is currently the Development and Training Governor. Paul has worked in education for 30 years, initially as a classroom teacher, and for the most part of his career, in teacher education. ​ Responsibilities - Health & Safety link governor, STEM (Maths, Science, IT & Tech / Evolve) link, Nursery Committee ​ ​ Please contact the school office i f you would like to contact one of our Governors. Contact us ​ S tatutory Governors’ details ​ Instrument of Government Variation ​ Governors' Code of Conduct ​ Policies approved by the Governing Body ​ Declarations of Pecuniary Interests ​ Governor Meeting Attendance ​ Should you wish to look at the minutes of the FGB meetings, please make an appointment with the school. ​

  • Online Safety | The Westgate School

    Online Safety Online Safety ​ The Westgate School recognises the potential that online resources can bring to support pupils in their education and preparedness for life beyond school. We are committed to supporting young people to become discerning and safe users of online resources, including applications available through mobile devices as well as those on the internet and computers. The online world knows no boundaries and extends beyond a child/young person’s (CYP) time in school. They are engaging with the online world at all times of the day and often, without supervision. Working in partnership with parents/carers, the School is committed to providing support and information such that parents/carers can provide the necessary protection for their child when engaging with online platforms. Through Partners in Learning events and the regular sharing of information to parents/carers and pupils, the school will continue to support parents to educate and protect their children. As part of this commitment, our school has a specified teacher with responsibility for leading this aspect of our provision. This policy sits within the framework of the recent Keeping Children Safe in Education, Safeguarding and Child Protection policies. The School has a colleague with responsibility as a Designated Teacher for Online Safety. We will work alongside Year Leaders to respond to individual incidents, maintain an up-to-date knowledge of key issues and lead appropriate professional development for colleagues; liaise with outside agencies; lead Partners in Learning events for parents/carers on a regular basis and, provide and deliver curriculum resources and lessons/assemblies to pupils ​ Primary Online Safety June 24 Educating pupils about online safety Pupils will be taught about online safety as part of the curriculum (National Curriculum computing programmes of study and guidance on relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education). Primary Phase: In Key Stage 1, pupils will be taught to: Use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private Identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies Pupils in Key Stage 2 will be taught to: Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly Recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour Identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact By the end of primary school, pupils will know: That people sometimes behave differently online, including by pretending to be someone they are not That the same principles apply to online relationships as to face-to-face relationships, including the importance of respect for others online including when we are anonymous The rules and principles for keeping safe online, how to recognise risks, harmful content and contact, and how to report them How to critically consider their online friendships and sources of information including awareness of the risks associated with people they have never met How information and data is shared and used online What sorts of boundaries are appropriate in friendships with peers and others (including in a digital context) How to respond safely and appropriately to adults they may encounter (in all contexts, including online) whom they do not know Secondary phase: In Key Stage 3, pupils will be taught to: Understand a range of ways to use technology safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely, including protecting their online identity and privacy Recognise inappropriate content, contact and conduct, and know how to report concerns Pupils in Key Stage 4 will be taught: To understand how changes in technology affect safety, including new ways to protect their online privacy and identity How to report a range of concerns By the end of secondary school, pupils will know: Their rights, responsibilities and opportunities online, including that the same expectations of behaviour apply in all contexts, including online About online risks, including that any material someone provides to another has the potential to be shared online and the difficulty of removing potentially compromising material placed online Not to provide material to others that they would not want shared further and not to share personal material which is sent to them What to do and where to get support to report material or manage issues online The impact of viewing harmful content That specifically sexually explicit material (e.g. pornography) presents a distorted picture of sexual behaviours, can damage the way people see themselves in relation to others and negatively affect how they behave towards sexual partner Educating parents about online safety The school will raise parents’ awareness of internet safety in letters or other communications home, in information via our website, in pupils’ Handbooks and, through Partners in Learning events. This policy will also be shared with parents when their child joins our school. If parents have any queries or concerns in relation to online safety, these should be raised in the first instance with their child’s class teacher or tutor. Low level or early concerns should be shared with the Assistant Year Leader. In a case where a child is at risk of harm or there are ongoing concerns, these must be raised with the School’s Designated Safeguarding Lead who will liaise with the Designated Teacher for Online Safety to take appropriate action. Cyber-bullying Cyber-bullying takes place online, such as through social networking sites, messaging apps or gaming sites. Like other forms of bullying, it is the repetitive, intentional harming of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power (see also the School’s behaviour policy.) Cyberbullying can take place between any individuals, including between adults ​ Preventing and addressing cyber-bullying In relation to a specific incident of cyber-bullying, the school will follow the processes set out in the School’s Behaviour Policy and other relevant policies. Where illegal, inappropriate or harmful material has been spread among pupils, the School will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure the incident is contained and expect parents to work in partnership in the event of such incidents. Parents Parents are expected to: Support the school in upholding this policy and ensuring that their child is not engaged in harmful activity online Ensure their child has read, understood and agreed to the terms on acceptable use of the IT and mobile devices Ensure that they adhere to the School’s Social Media and Online Communications Policy Ensure that they are aware of the Malicious Communications Act 1998 in their own use of online platforms and communication, including WhatsApp and email ​ Linked Policy: View the Online Safety policy on our Policy Page

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