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Relationship and Sex Education (RSE)


What is Relationships and Sex Education?

Effective sex and relationship education is essential if young people are to make responsible and well-informed decisions about their lives. The new Personal Development (Sept 2020) framework will help pupils develop the skills and understanding the need to live confident, healthy and independent lives.


“It is lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. It is about understanding the importance of marriage for family life, stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care.


It is also about the teaching of sex, sexuality and sexual health. It is not about the promotion of sexual orientation or sexual activity – this would be inappropriate teaching.” [Sex and Relationships Education Guidance ref DCFS 0116/2000]



Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) within our school aims to provide opportunities for pupils to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and become active and informed citizens. In addition, we aim to support young people through their physical, emotional and moral development. Information will be delivered in an accepting and honest way, which enables young people to contribute, and as deemed age appropriate. Parents and carers will be fully informed of policy and practice.


The school recognises the “role of parents in the development of their children’s understanding about relationships is vital. Parents are the first teachers of their children. They have the most significant influence in enabling their children to grow and mature and to form healthy relationships” (DfE, 2019, ‘Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education’).

RSHE will focus on:

Attitudes and Values


• Learning about the values of family life and stable relationships.

• Learning the value of respect, love and care.

• Exploring, considering and understanding moral dilemmas.

• Developing critical thinking as part of decision making.

• Personal and Social Skills.

• Learning to manage emotions and relationships confidently and sensitively.

• Developing self-respect and empathy for others.

• Learning to make choices based on understanding of differences and with the absence of prejudice.

• Providing opportunities for young people to develop the ability to understand the consequences of their decisions and actions, and to manage conflict.

• Knowledge and understanding.

• Information about healthier, safer lifestyles.

• Physical development.

• Emotions, relationships and reproduction.

• Information about digital safety and responsibilities.

Linked Policies

You will find the following on our policies page here:

  • Religious and Sexual Education Policy

  • Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Policy

  • Wellbeing Policy

The Westgate School overview of RSHE (including sex education) Curriculum known as Personal Development. “Working in partnership with parents/carers and the wider community to enable pupils to feel safe, included, happy and prepared for life beyond school”



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School values/emotions/manners

Topic / Theme



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Self-regulation/relationships/body parts

Topic / Theme



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Health & well-being – body parts & appropriate touching / Relationships including families – importance of families & emotions

Topic / Theme



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Relationships – knowing who to trust/body parts (some are private)/relaxation/Health & wellbeing- sleep/medicine safety

Topic / Theme



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Living in the wider worldenvironment -reduce, reuse, recycle Living in the wider world – rights and responsibilities – money & saving

Topic / Theme



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Health & well-being – mental well-being, human life cycle / Relationships including families - different families, including blended & same sex, respect

Topic / Theme



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Relationships – feelings/manners/Health & wellbeing- medicine safety & self-care techniques

Topic / Theme



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Living in the wider world – environment – topical waste issues Living in the wider world – rights and responsibilities – united nations rights of a child

Topic / Theme



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Health & well-being – growing up/periods / Relationships including families – valuing diversity & challenging stereotyping

Topic / Theme



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Relationships – on-line safety & how to be a good friend/Health & wellbeing- importance of sleep and effect of medicines & drugs on health (smoking, alcohol)

Topic / Theme



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Living in the wider world – environment – topical environmental issues/jobs/careers Living in the wider world – rights and responsibilities – money/transition to Secondary school

Topic / Theme



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Emotional Health & Wellbeing - Emotional Awareness, how do we deal with all that is around us. Managing Feelings, eating for health. What is mindfulness, Looking after our physical health. 

Careers - Be aspirational, next steps in school and post 16 Education, discrimination in the workplace, jobs for the future. 

Biological Sex- Science lessons

Topic / Theme



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My life – Puberty, friendships, Bullying, Age of consent, Feelings- emotional literacy. 

Rights Respect and Responsibility - RRR- The UNCRC, Rights of children, wants and needs, active campaigning, Children’s rights in the UK. 

Diversity of Britain - Identity, Diversity, Multi culturalism, Prejudice, Radicalisation, British values. 

Law & Justice - Law, the court system, criminal responsibility. 

Healthy relationships - Heteronorms, having an equal say, gender stereotypes, Consent online sexual abuse. 

E Safety and how can stay safe online. How to report Indecent images- legal consideration, Cyber bullying- legal consideration, Online shopping, Crowd funding

Topic / Theme



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Relationship Sex and Health Education - Introducing issues to pupils around sex and relationships and allowing them to discuss and talk about this in a calm and sensitive environment. Intimate relationships, peer pressure, What is consent? , Why have sex ?, different types of contraception, sexting.

Topic / Theme



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Emotional Health and Wellbeing - Pupils look at healthy bodies and minds, they will also consider body image and how this is portrayed in the media. Ideals of body image, the media and body image, eating disorders, healthy lifestyles, resilience, self-harm, online regulation-gaming. 

Careers - Pupils will look at careers and discuss the future alongside creating their own START profile. Be aspirational, next steps in school and post 16 Education, discrimination in the workplace, jobs for the future.

Topic / Theme



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Healthy Relationships - Pupils will consider what is a healthy relationship, consent and what constitutes sexual harassment to include online sexual harassment. 

Emotional Health and Wellbeing - Pupils look at healthy bodies and minds, they discuss why wellbeing and mindfulness is so important and they think about these issues in tutor groups.

Topic / Theme



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Relationships, Sex and Health Education - Pupils look at issues of consent, they discuss sex and peer pressure and different types of relationships including marriage and cohabitation. Legal rights within a marriage and other relationships. Equality, Domestic Violence and abuse, legal rights within a marriage, Legal rights across all types of relationships. RSHE- Core Sex education which covers, sex and contraception, parenthood, STI’s, HIV, Consent, Abortion, Harassment, cancer. 

E Safety - Pupils look at different aspects of E Safety and think about how they should behave online. How to report, harassment and stalking on-line, managing risks on-line, comparison of people on-line, positive viral content. Philosophy & Ethics -

Topic / Theme



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Drugs Education - To learn about the impact of substance use on risk-taking and personal safety, to learn how to manage influences in relation to alcohol and other drug use, to learn about the potential consequences of drug production, sale and use, and the support available for individuals regarding substance use, including addiction and dependency. Assessing risk. Substance use and managing influence. Help seeking and sources of support 

Careers - Pupils will look at careers and discuss the future alongside updating their own START profile. Be aspirational, Next steps in school and post 16 education, Discrimination in the work place, jobs for the future, internet as a revision aid

Topic / Theme



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Topic / Theme



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Relationships – recognising & naming emotions/Health & wellbeing- oral hygiene

Topic / Theme



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Living in the wider world – environment – caring for our environment Living in the wider world – rights and responsibilities – diversity & equality

Topic / Theme



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Health & well-being – loss, on-line relationships/Relationships including families – different types of families

Topic / Theme



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Relationships – healthy relationships & friendships/Health & well-being- healthy, balanced diet and importance active lifestyle

Topic / Theme



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Living in the wider world – environment – environmental groups caring for our environment Living in the wider world – rights and responsibilities – all about rules

Topic / Theme



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Health & well-being - body parts and how they change/ Relationships including families – how families change over time

Topic / Theme



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Relationships – bullying/online safety/Health & wellbeing- importance of exercise & healthy balanced diet

Topic / Theme



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Living in the wider world – environment – climate change Living in the wider world – rights and responsibilities – government and rule of law

Topic / Theme



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Health & well-being – sex – how babies are conceived & in a committed relationship / Relationships including families – marriage & civil relationships/ boundaries & consent

Topic / Theme



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An introduction to PD and exploring issues that face pupils today for example Friendships, Bullying, different family units, puberty, Emotional literacy and the age of consent. 

The Science of Learning and how we learn. 

Healthy relationships - Heteronorms, having an equal say, gender stereotypes, Consent online sexual abuse E-Safety - How to report Indecent images, Cyber bullying, Online gaming rules, Accepting T & Cs

Topic / Theme



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Drugs - understanding Drugs, Nicotine – risks and influences, Alcohol and risk 

Relationships and Sex- Introducing issues to pupils around sex and relationships and allowing them to discuss and talk about this in a calm and sensitive environment. Reflecting on relationships and families and different types of families."

Topic / Theme



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Emotional Health & Well-being - Body Image, the impact of social media on body image, bullying and peer pressure, how we can develop self-esteem, healthy approaches to exercise, how we can be mindful, being mindful. Careers Drugs Education - Understanding Drugs, nicotine – risks and influences, alcohol and risk

Topic / Theme



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Healthy Relationships - Pupils will consider what is a healthy relationship, consent and what constitutes sexual harassment to include online sexual harassment. Creating a safe space, Heteronorms, having an equal say, gender stereotypes, Consent online sexual abuse 

E Safety - Pupils look at different aspects of E Safety and think about how they should behave and stay safe online.

Topic / Theme



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Drugs Education - To learn about drugs and young people’s attitudes and behaviours regarding drug use. To consider the potential legal consequences of using illegal drugs. To learn about the short- and long- term effects of alcohol and cannabis use on individuals and to learn how to manage peer and other influences in relation to substance misuse. 

Relationships and sex education - Pupils look at different types of relationships including marriage and cohabitation, equality, and the legal rights around marriage.

Topic / Theme



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Drugs Education -To learn about the impact of substance use on risk-taking and personal safety, to learn how to manage influences in relation to alcohol and other drug use, to learn about the potential consequences of drug production, sale and use, and the support available for individuals regarding substance use, including addiction and dependency. Exploring attitudes, drugs the law and managing risks, drugs the effects: alcohol and cannabis, Managing influence. Careers

Topic / Theme



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Healthy Relationships - Pupils will consider what is a healthy relationship, consent and what constitutes  sexual harassment to include online sexual harassment. Discussion of proactive strategies and responses  to inappropriate sexual language in school. Rape and consent. Identifying stereotypes and pressure to  conform. 

Emotional Health and Wellbeing - Pupils look at healthy bodies and minds, they discuss why wellbeing  and mindfulness is so important and they think about these issues in tutor groups. Preparing for exams,  stress and how to manage it. Biological Sex - science lessons.

Topic / Theme

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