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The Well-being Group

Who are we? 

In Wellbeing Group, our aim is to make the pupils’ experience at The Westgate School as enjoyable as possible. We want to create a positive working environment for both students and teachers and allow them to feel comfortable and safe at school. 


As part of our role at the school, we encourage pupils to join in with different activities. We do this by organising a variety of events aimed to include everyone. For example, in the summer we run rounders for our sport orientated students, and for our arty students we have colouring and drawing sessions. This helps us to promote the school values- be kind, be respectful and be responsible- by giving pupils a chance to work with and get to know people across the whole school community.  


Aims for Next Year… 

Our aims for coming year include, continuing to grow a partnership with the #BeeWell project, which is a county collaboration to improve students’ mental health and wellbeing in schools. Furthermore, we want to help pupils feel more comfortable with themselves and encourage them to express themselves more freely without worrying about what other people think.  

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