After operating out of cupboards and living rooms for years, Westgate PSA has opened a pre-loved uniform shop on the school site. The PSA uniform team provides second-hand uniform to families, at lower and upper school, through both online and table-top sales. The sales raise money for the PSA but the team also provide uniform free of charge to those most in need, such as refugees and those suffering financial hardship.
Mrs Dean, Headteacher, comments: “I am very grateful to our Parent & Staff Association – and in particular the pre-loved uniform team – for their ongoing support to our school community. Sustainability is one of the school’s development objectives and this initiative demonstrates how everyone doing their bit paves the way towards our long-term social and environmental responsibility goals.”
Officially opening the shop at the Christmas Fair, local MP Dr Danny Chambers, was "delighted and impressed to see the dedication and commitment from this team", adding that "the uniform volunteers have shown what can be done when people come together with a shared vision and commitment to supporting others."