Samba Band
Samba Band
Internal / External
Age Range
Year 7 - 11
See EduLink for further details
Samba Band is a musical ensemble that plays exciting, vibrant and energetic music, and is open to any pupil. All the players learn their parts aurally and will often use words to help them memorise the rhythms.
These rhythms are layered on top of each other to create a polyrhythmic texture. The rhythm section of a Samba Band, consisting of Drums, is known as a bateria. Samba music is always performed with lots of percussion instruments, and each member of the ensemble has a specific role, often involving the layering of different rhythms following a series of signals from the lead repinique player. The signals are often played on a whistle called the apito.
The Samba Band performs at various events throughout the year, both in school, such as concerts, Open events, Induction evenings, PSA events, and ''Go West' Festival, to wider community events such as leading the Hat Fair in Winchester in the Summer, and performing on the high street.
Pupil music leaders will be supporting music teachers in running this club.