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Assemblies &
Collective Worship

Whole school assembly programme

There is a comprehensive assembly programme All-Through. This includes themes linked to the PD and RE curriculums as well as world events and national days of celebration.

Underpinning our assemblies are our school values of:

  • be kind

  • be respectful and

  • be responsible


Additional assemblies are held to celebrate excellence and achievement in the Phase, Year Group, House and whole School.

Delivered Assemblies 

We will publish our assemblies once they have been delivered to our pupils 

Week 1: Year 9 Guest Speaker Launch

Week 3: European day of languages

`The knowledge of Languages is the doorway to wisdom'- Roger Bacon

Week 5: House Assemblies

Air, Earth, Fire and Water - united

Week 1: Welcome

The best time for a new beginning is now!

British Values: Mutual Respect

Stories Worth Sharing:  Can we learn from new adventures

Welcome image
Week 2: Pupil Leadership

Is a school more than just a building?

Week 4: Black History Month

'Diversity may be the hardest thing for a society to live with, but perhaps the most dangerous thing for a society to be without'. William Sloane Coffin

Week 6: Charity Group

`No-one has ever become poor from giving'

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