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Drama is the art of looking at ourselves

Ofsted Outstanding Logo

Our Drama curriculum intends to:

Develop pupils confidence, expressive skills, creativity and emotional intelligence.
Develop greater cultural capital through broadening their knowledge and understanding of variety of dramatic styles and genre.
Give opportunities to contribute to the school and wider community.

Why Learn Drama?

Drama engages and encourages pupils to become confident performers and designers with the skills they need for a bright and successful future. There is as much opportunity as possible to do what they like best and participate in performances. Pupils will devise drama and explore play texts practically.

In Learning to Perform pupils will learn how to commit dialogue to memory for devised performances and/or learn text for text-based performances. They will also develop the ability to interpret and/or create and perform a character to develop an appropriate performer/audience relationship and ensure sustained engagement

Course content:

From Year 7 pupils explore a range of different genres and drama techniques, building their confidence and self awareness. Many pupils opt to supplement their formal learning by joining our popular after school Drama club, where they are given the opportunity to work with older pupils and participate in our annual performances.

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