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"Pupils embody the school’s motto of ‘learning together, achieving excellence’ at this excellent all-through school"
(Ofsted, November 2023)

"Staff have remarkably high expectations for all pupils. As a result, pupils achieve exceptionally well"
(Ofsted, November 2023)"

"Pupils share a strong sense of belonging to the flourishing school community"
(Ofsted, November 2023)

"Dedicated staff champion pupils to enable them to learn deeply. Staff use regular reviews of pupils’ progress to enable a sharp focus on pastoral and academic support"
(Ofsted, November 2023)

"Westgate is exemplary and always puts the children's best interests at the heart of everything"
(Parent Feedback, November 2022)

"Teaching is expertly adapted. The school ensures that everyone studies a broad and challenging curriculum"
(Ofsted, November 2023)

"The ‘Westgate Community Challenge’ inspires all pupils in Years 7 and 8 to participate in a wide range of opportunities to develop their skills and to serve others. The house system promotes a strong sense of belonging"
(Ofsted, November 2023)

"Careers information, education, advice and guidance is a significant strength of the school"
(Ofsted, November 2023)

"The Westgate School is a happy and vibrant community, where pupils are encouraged to aim for excellence"
(Ofsted, September 2022)

"Pupils talk enthusiastically about their school and the part they play in its success"
(Ofsted, September 2022)

"Pupils understand and value the importance of equality and treating everyone with kindness"
(Ofsted, September 2022)

"Pupils benefit from a broad and varied offer of extra-curricular activities. Participation is extremely high across both the primary and secondary phases"
(Ofsted, September 2022)

"We have a very positive experience of Westgate and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to other prospective parents"
(Parent Feedback, November 2022)

"Reading is highly prioritised in the school"
(Ofsted, September 2022)

"Behaviour in the school is routinely very impressive. Pupils have a highly positive attitude to learning"
(Ofsted, September 2022)

"Pupils' personal development is exceptionally strong. Leaders have put together a PSHE curriculum that is broad, relevant and ambitious"
(Ofsted, September 2022)

"Leaders have created a strong culture of safeguarding. Staff are well trained to identify concerns and report these using the school's child protection procedures"
(Ofsted, September 2022)

"Leadership in the school is highly strategic. Leaders at all levels use the information they gather about the school to make sure that they focus on those things that will benefit pupils most"
(Ofsted, September 2022)

"My children are extremely happy at Westgate. There is a strong focus on well-being and happiness but also an expectation of high achievement"
(Parent Feedback, September 2022)
Welcome to The Westgate School
At The Westgate School our values and ethos are based on the fundamental belief that we are a community of learners - adults and pupils alike - in which every individual should be enabled to enjoy learning and develop as a happy and healthy individual, who is able to make a unique and positive contribution to society: learning together, achieving excellence.
Mrs Dean Headteacher

Calendar & Open Events
Learning Together
Achieving Excellence
Our Houses




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